Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekend & the start of a new week

Well despite the previous week the weekend was not too bad.

I spent most of Friday and part of Saturday trying to source parts for a project, I met with mild success but not really enough to get started.  I hope to source the remaining parts today and maybe get started tonight.

Besides this I managed to get the shop area of the garage partially organized and built a new shelving unit for storage of tools etc.

I also put in just over 1000 swings with the 16kg this weekend, leaving me with about 2400 to go.  Normally I would say this is easy.  No trouble, given the volume this month 2400 before the end of the month should be easy...except...

URSULMAS.  The knight is coming in on Wednesday and we are leaving Thursday morning.  I am contemplating taking a KB, but I doubt I will swing it.  Tournament should be epic, lots of excellent fights, I am sure I will return sore.

To do:
Minor armor repairs.
Addition of leather below shoulder lamellar, perhaps with some brass or steel to help it hold it's shape.
Shields are in ok shape.  I could relace the small round.

Hit the gym this morning.

Bent over Thorasic Rotation x8
Squat stand x5
behind x leg lateral lunge x10
Seal jack x10
reverse inch worm x5
1 leg forward backward hop x10

Plank: x60s x60s
Side plank: x45s x45s

1a)Front leg elevated split squat: 40# x12 x12
1b)Inverted Row: x12 x12

2a)Romanian DL: 130# x12 x12
2b)Pushups: x12 x12

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