Thursday, April 21, 2011

30 Days to May Crown.

I love fitness challenges, well maybe love is to strong a word, but I enjoy having a goal to work towards, often I am just spinning my wheels in my fitness life with no clear aim, making it easy to miss a day here or there.

So when this challenge was posted on Facebook to get us in form for May Crown in one months time, I was eager to get started!!/event.php?eid=148507295216584

Here is the concept:
so, Sir Arminius started this last August. the purpose is to challenge everyone (including myself) to do the best they can at Crown in May. Sir Arminius thought we can all do better is in our conditioning, preparation, and awareness.

To that end, he offered the following challenge:

Every day from April 21st until September Crown (May 21st iis the day of the Crown Tournament) do one of the following:

1) 30min of cardio

2) 30min of gym/workout

3) 30min of pellwork

4) Fight practice or fight at an event

5) 30min of video study

6) Attend an event but no fighting

Obviously there are needs for breaks due to fatigue and natural body rest and this is why the video portion is included, and ‘attend an event but no fighting’ (that and it is a great way to immerse and analyze fighting).

I’ll try to think of a suitable reward for those of us who can complete the challenge (maybe I’ll make dinner?), and I would ask that if there is anyone you think would enjoy/benefit from this to please invite them to the group --
I have been out of fighting since Ursulmas with a nasty tennis elbow, which is mostly cleared up.  Certainly not 100% but SO much better than it was.  I hope it will be in good shape for May crown.  Because of this I suspect most of my checkboxes are going to be 1, 2, 5 and 6.

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